Tuesday 2 October 2012

Idea so far

My idea is a interactive keyboard with milestone date photoshopped on to it.

History of the Internet Shizzle

I found a good video Sir Arthur Charles Clarke where gives a brief prediction on the future of computing and the internet.

Another good short video on 40 years on the internet. It has all the main points interesting images such as the first ever document sent by computers.

The Internet stared as an experimental military Network in the 60’s/Cold War. The first iteration of the Internet was launched in 1971 with a public showing in early 1972. This first network, known as ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork) was very primitive by today's standards, but a milestone in computer communications. ARPANET was based upon the design concepts of Larry Roberts (MIT) and was fleshed out at the first ACM symposium, held in Gaithersburg, TN in 1966, although RFPs weren't sent out until mid 1968.

  The Department of Defence in 1969 commissioned ARPANET, and the first node was created at the University of California in Los Angeles, running on a Honeywell DDP-516 mini-computer. The second node was established at Standford University and launched on October first of the same year. The third node was located at the University of California, Santa Barbara (November 1, 1969) and the fourth was opened at the University of Utah in December.Link to quote

The Internet began like most things in our society, that is to say that the government started it. The Internet started out as a experimental military network in the 60's. Doug Engelbart prototypes an "Online System" (NLS) which does hypertext browsing editing, email, and so on. The Internet is a worldwide broadcasting resource used for distributing information and a source for interaction between people on their computers.
     In 1973, the U.S. Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a research program to investigate techniques and technologies for interlinking packet networks of various kinds. It then expanded to other governmental agencies and then to higher education. This was called the Internetting project and the system of networks, which emerged from the research, was known as the "Internet." Al Gore is described as "an advocate of the information superhighway". He helped bring it to our national attention that he invented the Internet. It is not true that he invented the Internet but it is true that he had a small part in its development. Since the early sixties, when Al Gore was still in high school, the development of networking technology had already started. It is true that the Internet has grown and flourished tremendously during Gore's tenure, but that hardly means he caused it to happen.
     The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The Internet enables communication and transmission of data between computers at different locations. The Internet is a computer application that connects tens of thousands of interconnected computer networks that include 1.7 million host computers around the world. The basis of connecting all these computers together is by the use of ordinary telephone wires. Users are then directly joined to other computer users at there own will for a small connection fee per month. The connection conveniently includes unlimited access to over a million web sites twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. There are many reasons why the Internet is important these reasons include: The net adapts to damage and error, data travels at 2/3 the speed of light on copper and fibre, the internet provides the same functionality to everyone, the net is the fastest growing technology ever, the net promotes freedom of speech, the net is digital, and can correct errors. Connecting to the Internet cost the taxpayer little or nothing, since each node was independent, and had to handle its own financing and its own technical requirements. . It is spreading faster than cellular phones and faster than fax machines. Last year the Internet was growing at a rate of twenty present a month.
     The Internet allows people to communicate and attain knowledge from other people no matter their geographical location. The Internet allows people to express their views even if there in a country where freedom of speech is not a right they have. Although the Internet has it's pros it also comes with many cons; inappropriate text and pictures are readily available on the Internet and is a growing business for the Internet. The pornography business on the Internet is the largest and fastest growing part of E-Commerce. The development of E-commerce's made an impact on the world, stock prices soared as well as CEO's of major dot-com companies bank accounts. In 1998 in Silicon Valley there was an estimated 50 new millionaires a day. The most popular features of the Internet include electronic mail, discussion, on-line conversations, adventure and role-playing games, information retrieval, and electronic commerce are all the good things the Internet provides Internet users with.
     Electronic Commerce or E-Commerce is a growing industry and it would not be available without the Internet. Today, the number one technique of tying business into technology would be the use of the Internet. Since the Internet can be accessed by millions of people all the time, it would be a great incentive for businesses. The Internet can help businesses in a number of extraordinary ways. First, the Internet is an excellent way to make business information available to possible consumers. Say a person hears about a product that your business produces and would like to know more information about that product. Well, through Internet access, that person can easily locate your business web site and browse through the information needed. Included in the web sites found, there could be many documents, pictures, small movie flicks, and question and answer sections available. All of this can be gathered in the convenience of a person's home, twenty-four hours a day. A business can be very pleased with the amount of information they can readily have available to publish to the entire world.Link to quote

Monday 24 September 2012

How DAFUQ do they make games!!

I will try and find out what the Video game process is...

'The first video games were developed in the 1960s, but required mainframe computers and were not available to general public. Commercial game development began in 1970s with the advent of first generation video game consoles and home computers. Due to low costs and low capabilities of computers, a lone programmer could develop a full game. However, approaching the 21st century, ever-increasing computer processing power and heightened consumer expectations made it impossible for a single developer to produce a mainstream game. The average price of game production slowly rose from US$1M–4M in 2000 to over 5M in 2006 to over 20M in 2010.' Link to Quote

A video game is developed by a video game developer which can range from one man to a large business. Mainstream games are usually developed in phases:-

  • Preproduction
  • 'Idea  Approved'
  • Funding
  • Full scale development begins - Involved around 20-100 people that all have different job such as designers, artists, programmers and testers.
  • Alpha stage
  • Beta stage
  • Final release
Modern games are advertised via magazines or Television and sometimes release teaser demos (A small  part of the game). 

After all of this, some games still don't turn a profit.


Preproduction is the focus of the idea and concepts development and production of the initial design documents. The aim of preproduction is to create a clear and easy to follow documentation with shows all of the tasks, schedules and estimates for the development team.
The documentation produced is called the production plan - This phase is usually not funded by a publisher.


The pitch is where the development team stands in front of potential publishers and explains their games selling point and how it will be profitable to develop. If the publishers decide to publish the game funding is granted. If not then the development team may look for other publishers or change/scrap the game idea.


'Writing prototypes of gameplay ideas and features is an important activity that allows programmers and game designers to experiment with different algorithms and usability scenarios for a game. A great deal of prototyping may take place during pre-production before the design document is complete and may, in fact, help determine what features the design specifies. Prototyping may also take place during active development to test new ideas as the game emerges.' - Link to Quote
A Prototype is a very rough first visuals of the game.

Production/ Full Scale Development

This is the main stage of development. Its where programmers write new source codes, artist develop game assets such as 3D models. Sound engineers create sound effects and music for the game. Level designers create the world/ levels for the game and write dialogue for cutscenes and AI. 

Tuesday 18 September 2012


You would think that things that distract me from my work would be my social life or games.... You would be wrong.

As my Aunt and Nan has come back from Ireland tonight, alcohol, music and dancing seems to be the culprit.

Still... I thought I would still try and get into this blogging site as it is part of my course, back to the party... ;)

Need to get into this blogging thing

Collage Blog!!!!! So far.... Boring!!